Tag Archives: sustainable

Thorium Energy – A Source of Nuclear Power

Kirk Sorensen is an advocate of a much safer and more abundant form of nuclear power that uses thorium energy as fuel. I found this documentary riveting and eye opening. Anyone who has any feelings towards nuclear power should give this a watch. Continue reading Thorium Energy – A Source of Nuclear Power

The Diminishing Returns of Strength Training

Featured photo courtesy of Gregor Winter.


The day before I started a new job, it was a rainy winter’s day in North Vancouver, but I felt pretty good.  I wanted to avoid trying to fit a gym session into my first couple days at the new job, so the day before I started I decided to go hard and make it count so I could take a few days off. Continue reading The Diminishing Returns of Strength Training

How to Get Stronger: Track Your Strength

Featured photo courtesy of symphony of love. Note: This was originally written at my other blog, so the dates may seem a little off. I found the article still had value, so I reposted it here. Enjoy!


Here’s what I see happen with great frequency: Someone will decide to get fit/in shape, and will commit to a fitness routine that is either ineffective, or way more than they really need involving hours of training a day or multiple different goals all at once.  Continue reading How to Get Stronger: Track Your Strength

An Efficient Strength Training Program for the Intermediate

Featured photo courtesy of Amber Karnes.


So, you’ve decided you want to get physically stronger. Maybe you’d like to be a better athlete. Maybe you understand that lean muscle is healthy and leads to longer lives. Maybe you want to prevent injuries. Maybe you want to look great naked. Continue reading An Efficient Strength Training Program for the Intermediate

The Context of Vices

 Featured photo courtesy of Dave Stokes.

Anyone who knows me knows me as a very health-conscious guy, but not a guy free of vices.  I promote habits that produce happy, healthy, strong, productive people, but in the right context I also promote some activities that directly oppose my usual recommendations.

Am I inconsistent?  Maybe, but really it’s all part of the plan.