Ways to Get Stronger: No Gym Required

Featured image courtesy of John Niedermayer.


My previous post was an efficient strength training routine for an individual who is comfortable in a weight lifting/gym environment and using barbells. Continue reading Ways to Get Stronger: No Gym Required

An Efficient Strength Training Program for the Intermediate

Featured photo courtesy of Amber Karnes.


So, you’ve decided you want to get physically stronger. Maybe you’d like to be a better athlete. Maybe you understand that lean muscle is healthy and leads to longer lives. Maybe you want to prevent injuries. Maybe you want to look great naked. Continue reading An Efficient Strength Training Program for the Intermediate

Intermittent Fasting: 5 Years Experience in Review

Featured photo courtesy of twelvephoto.com.

NOTE BEFORE READING: I am someone with a history of eating a LOT, and not someone who’s ever struggled with an official eating disorder. My conclusions are based off of my experiences as a male weight-lifting enthusiast who aims to take his health to the highest possible level while still being flexible enough to truly enjoy life, and deal with random and continuing stressors as they arise. Continue reading Intermittent Fasting: 5 Years Experience in Review

Sunlight Series: Part 3 – The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Featured image courtesy of Miriam.

My last post discussed the nature of light, and that our current understanding is that light can be thought of as an electromagnetic wave carrying varying amounts of energy expressed by different wavelengths, or frequencies. Continue reading Sunlight Series: Part 3 – The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Sunlight Series: Part 2 – Electromagnetic Radiation

Featured photo courtesy of Tamara.

Before a detailed discussion on the effects of sunlight on the body can begin, I believe the reader should be oriented with the concept of ‘light’ itself, which is the intention of this post. I’m not going to explain optics, Continue reading Sunlight Series: Part 2 – Electromagnetic Radiation

Sustainable, high-quality human lifestyles.