Featured photo courtesy of George.
During the latter half of 2009, as part of my personal research into diet and lifestyle and its effect on human health, I immersed myself in the world of paleo/primal eating and living. This interest followed years of experimentation into different lifestyle approaches in the pursuit of the highest levels of health, which led to very mixed results.
I was one of those guys in the gym six days a week for a couple hours while playing sports regularily, and constantly consuming tons of food and supplements. I was often exhausted, dependent on caffeine, always hungry, and suffered from “irritable bowel syndrome” on and off.
My first introduction to the world of paleo/primal was Mark Sisson’s blog, Mark’s Daily Apple. A lot of what he wrote about was in line with my experiences, so I got really into it for a while. I stillpractice his approach to this day and recommend it whole-heartedly to others.
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